DiCE Lab is a knowledge sharing and networking platform. It is founded by Sultan Çetin (TU Delft) and Catherine De Wolf (ETH Zurich) in 2021 with the idea of bringing academia, practice, and policy together to discuss the greatest challenges of today's society.
Coming from the built environment research, our team acknowledges the challenges in the broad adoption of circular strategies as well as the acceptance of digital technologies in construction practice.
DiCE Lab proposes to bring all stakeholders across the industries together to combine digital technologies with circular principles to tackle the challenges posed by the linear economy.
DiCE Lab webinars offer unique opportunities to discuss digital innovations in depth from different perspectives. Each month one technology is in the spotlight. From companies that offer digital solutions to researchers who develop innovative ideas join us.
DiCE Lab collaborates with several scholars and initiatives: Nancy Bocken (Maastricht University), Vincent Gruis (TU Delft), Jan Konietzko (Cognizant/Maastricht University), and Circular Built Environment Hub (CBE Hub) of TU Delft, and is supported by the Vlaanderen Circulair grant "Hergebruik automatiseren in de bouwsector" (Vlaams Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen - VLAIO) in collaboration with ETH Zurich and by Interreg NWE CHARM Project in collaboration with TU Delft.
For more information contact us at s.cetin-ozturk@tudelft.nl